Saturday, January 28, 2023

You Hear What You're Listening For

 Scripture: Isaiah 9:1-4  • Psalm 27:1, 4-9  • 1 Corinthians 1:10-18  • Matthew 4:12-23

The  gospel this week is Matthew's account of Jesus calling disciples to be fishers of men. What is involved in answering the call? Why did the disciples leave their net immediately and follow Jesus?  How do we "fish" for people? What is involved? Read Debie Thomas' "I Will Make You..."

First, you have to be open to hear the call. The farmer in Barrington Bates' story, hearing a cricket chirp on his visit to the City in the midst of sirens blaring, said "I figure you hear what you're listening for." Are we listening for the call? What are we listening, or looking for? Bates says Jesus gives us clear directives on what we need to do. Read his "Repent, Look For Signs Of The Kingdom, And Follow Jesus ."

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