Saturday, January 7, 2017

Why was Jesus baptized?

Scripture: Isaiah 42:1-9  •  Psalm 29  •  Acts 10:34-43  •  Matthew 3:13-17 

Every Epiphany we re-visit the story of Jesus' baptism. This Lectionary Year A, we consider Matthew's account. Like John the Baptist, we ask why, if Jesus is God's son, the Messiah, the Christ, does he need to be baptized? John even exclaims, "It is you who should baptize me!" Why should he who is without sin, be baptized for the forgiveness of sin?

Read Daniel Clendenin's "A Shocking Request and a Stupendous Claim: The Baptism of Jesus;" The Rev. Rick Morley's "Epiphany One Reflection: Bathrobes and Sandals;" "This Sunday's Reflection" by Sister Kym Harris; and, "Baptism of our Lord" by The Rev. Ben E. Helmer.

Why do you think Jesus was baptized? Why do we choose baptism? The Rite of Holy Baptism can be found on pages 297-308 of the Book of Common Prayer. What is our Baptismal Covenant (pp. 304-305 of The Book of Common Prayer)? What happens when we are baptized? What does it mean for us, and our relationship with God, humanity and all God's creation?

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