Friday, January 27, 2017

Recognizing Blessings

Scripture: Micah 6:1-8  • Psalm 15  • 1 Corinthians 1:18-31  • Matthew 5:1-12

This week we have Matthew's account of the the Beatitudes. Matthew's account has Jesus teaching from the mountain side, primarily to his disciples. Although the crowds are present, they are in the background for the Sermon on the Mount. 

The Rev. Davis Lose focuses on recognizing blessing, in Recognizing Blessing, not being  blessed, or blessing others, which are important, but the focus in his lesson is to recognize blessing. Why is it important to recognize blessing? What do you look for when you think of blessing? Compare that with the beatitudes. What can we take from the Beatitudes and apply to our lives today?

Michael Simone, in his article, asks "What beatitudes does our world need to hear today?"
What  do you think? 

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