Saturday, December 31, 2016

Refugees, Slaughter of Innocents... Where is God?

Scripture: Isaiah 63:7-9  •Psalm 148  •  Hebrews 2:10-18  •  Matthew 2:13-23

In Matthew's gospel this week we have the story of Joseph and Mary taking the baby Jesus to Egypt, as refugees, to escape the wrath of Herod, Herod's slaughter of the Innocents, and Rachel, who weeps for her children. Sound familiar? Where is God in all of this? In our grief and sorrow? In times of violence, suffering, war, false promises, appeasement, prejudice, and hate?

In "Remembering Rachel: The Slaughter of the Innocents," The Rev. Pam Fickenscher says Matthew is telling this story, not for the events themselves, but to draw us into the experience. This is a brutal world. The child, whose name means "God saves" is born into a world much like the one we live in. The peace he gives to us is not cheap. here is no cheap grace, cheap sympathy, cheap comfort. A price is paid, and was paid, and in the midst of suffering, mourning, even dying, we know that God has been there before, comes near and is in the midst of our pain, suffering, and mourning. As this baby was rescued by loving human parents, we can do the same, for our children, and children who are refugees from violence, hate, prejudice, and evil. In so doing, God comes near, not only to those we rescue, feed, clothe, or shelter, but to us. The Rev. Dr. James Lamkin, in his "The New Normal," tells us God has been there before. He is with us now, and will meet us again. Whether we recognize God, or not.


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