Saturday, December 3, 2016

Great Expectations

Scripture: Isaiah 35:1-10  •Psalm 146:5-10 or Luke 1:46b-55  •  James 5:7-10  •  Matthew 11:2-11

What do you think when your idea of what God’s will is, or what should happen does not happen –  when your expectations are not met? This week, while in prison, John the Baptist sends a messenger to Jesus to ask if he is the “one who is to come, or should we look for someone else.” What is hope, and are our hopes misplaced? What was Jesus’ reply to John, and to us? See The Rev. Dr. Amy E. Richter’s “Expecting the Unexpected Messiah.” 

What should we be hoping in and for? What is God doing in our lives? Consider The Rev. Daniel P. Matthews, Jr. “What’s the Plan?
Can we choose how God will bless us? How are we called to face the unknown? Read Sara Miles’ account of Mary’s experience of God, the Father, and the Holy Spirit, and her response in “My Soul Proclaims: Submission and Subversion in Mary’s Magnificat.”

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