Sunday, April 7, 2024


  Scripture: Acts 4:32-35  • Psalm 133  • 1 John 1:1-2:2  • John 20:19-31

This second Sunday of the Easter season we find the disciples huddled behind closed doors, afraid, Thomas comes late to the Resurrection story. He says he will only believe what the others tell him if he can see, touch the risen Lord.  Empiricists need to verify everything by the five senses in order to recognize it. 

This begs the question. Jesus says "You are witnesses" to the disciples, and to us, thanks to witnesses documenting their experience of the risen Christ. What does it mean to witness? We see and hear a lot about it in high profile and everyday trials these days. See The Rev. Dr. Cheryl Lindsay's "Touch and See." The Greek  word for witness is μάρτυρ, martyr. What does Jesus tell us about witnessing? 

In,"That You May Come To Believe," Debie Thomas says Jesus makes room for the wary and skeptics in a journey, a process of becoming, a dynamic becoming Jesus promises us, and makes way for all of us on the journey toward a fulfilling and purpose filled life, everlasting. 

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