Sunday, October 23, 2022

Self Righteous Judgment


The last few weeks we have considered lessons in "faith living." We have read and discussed scripture and articles which have provided things to consider in living out the gospel innately, so that it becomes so much a part of us that we manifest God's presence and love.

Some of the lessons we have learned are: (1) keep it simple, and go about our work and what is expected of us, with our "hand to the plow" - the reward will come; (2) go about our work with a spirit of humble and joyous thanks and praise for God's gift of a present hope and blessing; (3) and, as we considered last week, the lesson of keeping our faith through persistent prayerful relationship with God, which builds trust and assurance that God's will will be done in God's good time, and God's purpose for us will be fulfilled.

Last week we considered Jesus' parable of the unjust judge. This week, the next lesson in "faith living" concerns our judgment of others, and the trap of being self righteous in the process. What are the consequences? In our judgment of others how can we avoid being self righteous?

Consider Bruce Maples' article "Seeing Others as Zeros," The Rev. Joseph Pagano's Modern Day Donatism and the Church  and The Ven. Irene Maliaman's  Sinners

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