Sunday, October 16, 2022

Persistent Faith

 Scripture: Jeremiah 31:27-34 and Psalm 119:97-104  •  Genesis 32:22-31 and Psalm 121  •  2 Timothy 3:14-4:5  •  Luke 18:1-8

 This week Jesus continues "faith lessons" with a story of a widow who persists in calling on the unjust judge who gives her justice so she won't wear him out by continually calling on him. Jesus tells us how much quicker God will grant justice to those who call on him day and night.

We have had a series of lessons about faith the last few weeks. I have often thought how we can carry out God's call to us, to live in discipleship without having to think about it, or rationalize it, so that it is such an innate part of us, that God's compassion, love, mercy and justice are manifest in and through us in all we say or do.

Two weeks ago, part of that answer was given - keep it simple, like servants who know what is expected of them, and continue to work without regard for the reward. Last week, we were told to go on living our lives joyously, in thankfulness and praise, and not let the opportunity to hear God's call slip by, even in the midst of crisis, uncertainty - even in exile, and even when we need an exodus. 

The Rev. Lucy Strandlund, in " Telling the Story," gives us food for thought as she invokes the faith which is handed down through generations, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit in her homily from Paul's second letter to Timothy.

This third step of faith enabling us to act out God's love and faith innately, without a second thought, is praying and building a relationship with God which results in trust, and gives us hope that God's will be done in God's time. 

Through all of this, Jesus tells us "Your faith has made you whole."

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