Sunday, March 7, 2021

Jesus, Turning Tables

 Scripture: Exodus 20:1-17  • Psalm 19  • 1 Corinthians 1:18-25  • John 2:13-22

This week we read and study the law, the Decalogue, the Ten Commandments handed down from on high to Moses, and also Jesus driving the moneychangers from the temple. Why do you suppose the two are put together in this Lectionary lesson? Jesus also talks about destroying the temple, which has become the center of worship for the Jews, where sacrifices are made by the priests on behalf of the people, and the high priest alone enters into the Holy of Holies to seek atonement for the sins of his people.

We learn a lot about the center of worship and relationship with God this week. It is not about  righteously keeping the law, great buildings, or religious institutions. Peter Woods tells us the temple is the heart in his article "Cleansing the Cardiac Temple - Lent 3a." 

In "where God dwells - a reflection on John 2:13-22," The Rev. Rick Morley tells us where the presence of God dwells, and where our deep connection with God can be found.

I find Dan Clendenin' s "Feeling Nervous About Meeting Jesus," challenging. We should be careful not to be complacent about thinking we know God, God's will, or all there is to know about Jesus. Clendenin says "Jesus comes to challenge rather than to reinforce my prejudices and illusionsHe comes to defamiliarize what religion makes safe and cozy. He never once says, "understand me." He says something far more radical. 'Follow me.'"

Debie Thomas challenges us to be more like Jesus, in "Not In God's House."

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