Friday, March 26, 2021

Holy Week - Be a part of it

 Scripture: Isaiah 50:4-9a; Psalm 31:9-16; Philippians 2:5-11; Mark 14:1-15:47

"How did this happen? How did Jesus’ life of peace end in such a violent death? We stand at the edge of this moment, looking on in horror and confusion — just as Jesus’ followers did on the day he was crucified. The violence we have seen is numbing: it robs us of the ability to think clearly... The familiar formula — that Jesus died for our sins — raises more questions than it answers. First, exactly how is Jesus’ death connected with our forgiveness? Why does this terrible thing lead to that wonderful thing? And who is it that wants this sacrifice anyway?" The Rev. Jason Cox in his "Sacrifice: Sunday of the Passion,"  raises these questions, and provides an answer. What are your thoughts? 

In "Holy Week - So What?" The Rev. Amy Tew tells us to be part of Holy Week - be part of the crowd, the disciples - especially when we are not able to assemble together - and maybe then, by experiencing the pain, God's pain, our pain, we can look for answers in the midst of disease, sickness, worry over injustice, inequities, the Church, finances, hunger, you name it. One thing for certain, Jesus will show up. Hope out of despair, resurrection out of death, will show up. With God's help, and our participation. 

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