Saturday, May 25, 2019

More Than We Can Ask or Imagine


  • Acts 16:9-15  • 
  • Psalm 67  • 
  • Revelation 21:10, 22-22:5  • 
  • John 14:23-29 or John 5:1-9

  • This week, we visit Lydia,  a wealthy trader in purple cloth, who listened to the good news shared by Paul, and after being baptised, she and her husband invited him to stay in their home in Philippi. The Rev. Ben E. Helmer tells us Easter prepares us with tools to defeat that which drags us down, and if we step out in faith, like Lydia, we can accept and expect God's abundant gifts which surpass all understanding, and exceed all we can desire. Read his "Such Good Things," and see how that is possible.

  • The Rev. Debi Thomas, explores the depths of Jesus' question, "Do you want to be made well?" The man had not walked for 38 years.  No introductions, no small talk, sermon, no "if you have faith." Jesus point blank asked the lame man if he wanted to be made well. The man never asked for healing. Perhaps he had accepted defeat, was jaded, or awash in self pity. We don't know. Jesus simply tells him to take up his mat and walk. Read The Rev. Thomas' "The Question That Hurts," to see why it hurts, and how healing begins.

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