Saturday, May 12, 2018

The other Lord's Prayer ... for us

Scripture:  Acts 1:15-17, 21-26  • Psalm 1  • 1 John 5:9-13  • John 17:6-19

In John's gospel this week, we look at the "other Lord's Prayer." It is Thursday before Friday's crucifixion, and Jesus is praying for God to protect, comfort, to sanctify us in truth, to be one as he and the Father are one, and to make our joy complete. The prayer is not just for his disciples, but for all of us. In chapter 16 of John's gospel, Jesus tells us of the work of the Holy Spirit - the paraclete (παράκλητος) - the Comforter, the Advocate.

It is interesting to think about what Jesus does not pray for. It is clear that we are to be in the world where life is not easy. What does Jesus pray for us? See The Rev. David Lose's "The Other Lord's Prayer." What should we pray for? See Lose's companion article "Prayer and Mystery." 

Jesus asks that we be sanctified - set apart. What does he mean? What does that mean for us? See Jerrod McCormack's  "In the Space In-Between."

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