Saturday, May 12, 2018

I have called you friends... love one another

Scripture: Acts 10:44-48  • Psalm 98  • 1 John 5:1-6  • John 15:9-17

We have a remarkable and important lesson to learn about the church this week from our Scripture readings. We learn that we are loved as friends, chosen by God and charged to bear good fruit, fruit that will last, and to keep God's commandments, which Jesus says is to love one another as he has loved us.

What does this mean for the church? We see congregations getting older, people moving away, diminishing numbers. Should we worry, be concerned? What are we to do? See John15:10 &11.

The church of Jesus Christ will prevail. It may not be the same church we have come to know and love, but it will prevail. How? Why? Dan Clendenin offers us food for thought in "A Church That Changes." In "even astonished - a reflection on Acts 10:44-48," The Rev. Rick Morley has hope that the church in Acts was "astounded" and not disgusted and dismayed when Gentiles asked to be baptized, and Peter himself admitted he had been wrong and allowed the Gentiles to be baptized, seeing that they were filled with the Spirit.

What does it mean to be "chosen" by God? Does that mean a select few? See Katerina Whitley's "Love One Another."

We see the love abiding in the Son and through the Son to and through us, which leads to obedience to the command Jesus gave us - to love one another as he loves us - so much that he laid down his life for us, and that by loving others, we see, as did Peter, that this means all of God's children. In loving one another, we bear good and lasting fruit. Worry? If we abide in his love, and love one another, Jesus tells us that his joy will be in us, and that our joy will be complete.

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