Tuesday, April 17, 2018

The Good Shepherd calls us by name

Scripture: Acts 4:5-12  • Psalm 23  • 1 John 3:16-24  • John 10:11-18

This is Good Shepherd Sunday. We read two of the most beloved and well known verses in Psalm 23 and one of the "I am" sayings recorded by John, this one being "I am the Good Shepherd." Why does Jesus say he is the Good Shepherd? Sheep are often viewed as mindless followers, apt to get lost, docile and dull. We are the sheep he has come to tend, and we have value. This God calls us by name, and cares for us. But there is more - much is expected of us. See The Rev. James Leggett's "Wool and Mutton," and The Rev. Sharron Blezard's "Rambling in the Ruts of Righteousness."

Will we recognize the voice of the Good Shepherd calling us by name? See Sister Kym Harris' "Exposition" How do we call out to others as Christians? Why is that of significance? See Sister Kym Harris' "Reflection."

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