Friday, April 13, 2018

Soul Food

Scripture: Acts 3:12-19  • Psalm 4  • 1 John 3:1-7  • Luke 24:36b-48

In Luke's gospel account, the resurrected Jesus appears once again to his disciples who are described as being "startled, terrified, and "while in their joy, disbelieving and wondering." Jesus offers them Peace, and asks them to share a meal of broiled fish with him before commissioning them to spread the good news. Why? What is it about sharing a meal which brings people with many differences, doubts, fears and feelings together? How can sharing a meal help us see and experience the presence of Christ? See The Rev. Sharron Riessinger Blezard's "Potlucks, Comfort Food and Faith." What a joy to celebrate and receive the Holy Eucharist each week in communion with God's children where all are welcome!

How can we experience the earth moving sensation of resurrection as the disciples did? See Sister Kym Harris' "Exposition," and "Reflection."

See why The Rev. Rick Morley loves preaching about the resurrected Christ, who can be anywhere, and is still present as our brother in body and spirit in "not as outcasts - a reflection on Luke 24:36b-48."

Food for the soul? You bet! As Sharron Riessinger Blezard says "Come to Christ’s table. Come as you are. Come hungry, come helpless, come hopeful. Eat and live to go and tell. We are the witnesses. Whether bold or fearful, let us be full and faithful in our going and telling and inviting. There is room for all and plenty of comfort food to share."

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