Saturday, March 11, 2017

What is it to be "born again," to believe, to be saved?

Scripture: Genesis 12:1-4a  • Psalm 121  • Romans 4:1-5, 13-17  • John 3:1-17

This second Sunday of Lent we consider Nicodemus' question of Jesus of how he might be saved. Jesus tries to help him see that he is asking the wrong question. It is not "how," but why. Jesus told Nicodemus that he must be "born again," or more accurately from the Greek, "born from above."  What did he mean? Do we have to do anything to be saved? What is it to be saved? What did God do to save us? Why? What is it to believe? What does Jesus mean to be born of the Spirit, the wind which blows where it chooses? How will we hear it? Is Jesus' message one of judgment or grace? In her "Reflections," The Rev. Kate Huey offers us wonderful insights to these questions.

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