Saturday, March 18, 2017

Slaking our thirst with Living Water

Scripture: Exodus 17:1-7  • Psalm 95  • Romans 5:1-11  • John 4:5-42

This week we learn how God chooses to connect with us, as Jesus meets the Samaritan woman at the well, and what He offers. In the middle of the day a Jewish Rabbi converses with  a Samaritan, considered by Jews to be unclean and apostate, and not just a Samaritan, but a woman who had been married five times, and living with another man. Look at the exchange. The woman does not disengage, and she understands more about Jesus than the Pharisee teacher and esteemed Nicodemus, whom we met last week. Jesus deems her worthy enough to reveal to her that he is the Messiah, and she is transformed. Her neighbors recognize this, and trust in her testimony. And look at the intermingling and hospitality which ensues. Something we could certainly use today.

What does Jesus offer? Consider this as you read Sister Kym Harris' Commentary, Exposition, and Reflection.

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