Friday, October 23, 2015

Seeing a new kind of justice. Seeing life begin again.

In the final passages of the Book of Job, Job learns a new kind of justice. A justice not limited to retribution. What moves Job to see a different way of looking at things - to begin life anew after suffering great loss? What is this new way of looking at life after loss or separation? What is this new kind of justice? Consider The Rev. Shelli Williams' "See Life Begin Again." Her article also considers the gospel reading and the reading from Hebrews.

In the gospel lesson, like last week, Jesus asks the blind beggar, Bartimaeus, what he wants Jesus to do for him. What is Bartimaeus' response? What is Jesus' response? What does it take for Bartimaeus to see again?

The writer of Hebrews tells of the difference of Christ, the priest, and the Levitical priests. What is the difference? What is the significance of the permanent priesthood of Christ? What does that mean for us?

Consider the theme of restoration as you think about this lesson.

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