Saturday, October 31, 2015

All Saints Day - Going Home

We have a long standing tradition in our family, as many of you do, too, I'm sure. Whenever we are on a trip, either to or from a place where we gathered as a family, we call - or now, text - each other, to let each know that we have arrived home safely.

This week's scripture, lesson, and article to read and discuss is about those loved ones who have come and gone before us, where we are now - in relation to God, our family, and our neighbors - and where we are going. In every case, the good news is that there was, is, and ever will be, a homecoming. From God's promise made in the Isaiah passage to Jesus' raising of his friend, Lazarus, from the dead, we are going home, a welcoming place which even death cannot deny us. Read The Rev. Shelli Williams' "A Vision of Home."

That doesn't mean that the journey will be without pain, sorrow, or loss. We read that Jesus wept at the news of the death of his friend. But we also read that God will wipe away every tear, and death will be no more. From that which binds us, we shall be free. We shall come home to the feast of all feasts. Thanks be to God.

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