Saturday, June 6, 2015

Hope for broken lives and family

Our Scripture this week speaks of brokenness - a break from God due to pride, then shame; from desire to possess what the Other has, to losing paradise; from wanting our own kings and kingdoms to exile; even brokenness from family and friends. But we rejoice in God our king, our strength, our hope and redeemer, who walks with us on our journey, even to the cross, and lifts us up in loving arms, as if on wings of eagles - arms spread wide open, on the cross.

How have we experienced brokenness? What are the causes? What is the way to healing? See The Rev. Rick Morley's "Genesis 3:8-15 - broken," and  "God in brokenness," by The Rev. Jane Anne Ferguson.

When Jesus' mother and brothers come to take him away, why do they do so? Why did Jesus ask "who are my brothers and sisters?" What was his reply? How does this apply to us with our family? Who is our family? See The Rev. Sharron Blezard's  "One Big Hopeful Family."

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