Saturday, April 4, 2015

Rising like Resurrection Biscuits!

Like biscuits without baking powder, or bread without yeast, our lives and hearts can go flat, or worse. The Rev. Susan Sparks invites us to find the missing ingredient, so that we may rise to the occasion in "Resurrection Biscuits": 

 "For everyone out there who feels that their dreams have been destroyed, their hopes dashed, their spirits is the good news of Easter morning:

"The risen Christ can take our flat, heavy hearts and put back that key ingredient... that our spirits are not stuck on the ground, that our spirits are not dictated by human pain or loss or disappointment, that our spirits are not mired in a tomb. 

Easter brings each of us a second chance. A chance to see the life force in our midst. A chance to recognize the risen Christ right in front of us. A chance to start again."

Jesus came that we may have life. Overflowing life. Eternal life. I know that my redeemer lives. Alleluia! Christ is risen! Christ is risen, indeed! And we shall rise with him. Thanks be to God!


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