Friday, March 27, 2015

Palm Sunday - Pointing to Truths We'd Rather Not See

Scripture: Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29  • Mark 11:1-11 or John 12:12-16 

This Sunday is Palm Sunday, and we will parade into the Nave and Apse in celebration of Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Three of the gospels have different accounts of Jesus entering Jerusalem. Matthew has him acclaimed as King with shouts of Hosanna (God saves!). John adds the palms and has Jesus himself acquire the donkey, while Mark has a detailed account of disciples being asked to fetch the donkey, and after the procession, Jesus walks alone into Jerusalem. 

All accounts point to Friday, to a different kind of kingship and kingdom. What kind of King is this? Why did Jesus choose to enter into Jerusalem in this manner, while Pontius Pilate rode in the fashion of imperial Rome at the same time? Did Jesus plan this? Is this a parade of irony? See The Rev, Debie Thomas' "The Clown King." If so what is its significance? Is it a protest march? See Fred B. Craddock's "The Protest March." If so, what was protested?

What is Mark's perspective in all of this? Why the detail about "donkey fetching," and his low key account when compared to that of Matthew's account? How does this week's gospel account relate to "preparing the way of the Lord," and following him? See Thomas G. Long's "Donkey Fetchers.".

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