Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Lent - a time to deal with enemies

Scripture: Genesis 9:8-17  • Psalm 25:1-10  • 1 Peter 3:18-22  • Mark 1:9-15

Every Lent we begin with Jesus' baptism, going into the wilderness and being tempted. What can we learn this Lent as we journey with Jesus into the wilderness, and from temptations?

Some of you may know or remember the famous saying of Pogo, Walt Kelly's cartoon possum, "We have met the enemy, and the enemy is us." Both of our authors remind us that Jesus also told us to pray for our enemies.

Who and what are your enemies? Loving our enemies isn't easy. What happens if we let our enemies get the best of us? How can we prevent our enemies from getting the best of us? See The Rev. Geoffrey Hoare's "Enemies."

Read what The Rev. Kate Matthews says about the Noah reading in Genesis, and about learning from the Psalms during Lent in her "God Loves Us," (which also includes her  Reflection on Psalm 25). She would have us share the heart of the Psalmist working through battles that we wage in our lives, calling us to take into account our prayer life, our thoughts, and actions, and how this effects our lives, our work, and the lives of others. What disciplines can we use to create within us clean hearts, and which will renew a right spirit within us?

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