Thursday, February 12, 2015

"I saw the Light"

Scripture: 2 Kings 2:1-12  • Psalm 50:1-6  • 2 Corinthians 4:3-6  • Mark 9:2-9

A popular song is titled "I saw the Light." In "Plastic Minds and Magic Eyes," Ragan Sutterfield tells us that the common thread running through all of the Scripture this week, the last week of Epiphany, is "seeing," encouraging us to see the "incredible reality of the kingdom of God all around us," taking care not to "make tents on mountain tops" as Peter wanted to do during the Transfiguration.

In "spiritual vertigo - a reflection on the transfiguration," Fr. Rick Morley would have us get spiritually prepared so that when Jesus takes us somewhere on our journey to "blow our mind with grace and grandeur of Almighty God" we are overwhelmed, not by fear, but "with joy and wonder of all God's works. 

Finally Debra Dean Murphy brings us down to earth, as we leave the light of Epiphany and journey in Lent with Jesus to the cross, reminding us that the glory of God is revealed in the cross, and the exalted Lord is never separate from the suffering Christ. In "Light for the Journey," Murphy tells us that as ashes are placed on our foreheads with the sign of the cross, we can be transformed if we take up Christ's cross, deny ourselves, and follow him, and that we will need the Light of Jesus transformed to guide and be a companion with us on our journey.

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