Saturday, August 30, 2014

The Great "I am Who I am," and "Shall be Who I shall be"

Scripture: Exodus 3:1-15 and Psalm 105:1-6, 23-26, 45b  • Jeremiah 15:15-21 and Psalm 26:1-8  • Romans 12:9-21  • Matthew 16:21-28

This week we are given the name of God. Last week Peter
was blessed and given the keys of the kingdom when he confessed that Jesus was the Christ, the Messiah. In Exodus, when Moses asks the name of the God who will deliver his people, he is given the answer "I am Who I am, and I shall be Who I shall be."John's gospel contains several "I am" sayings of Jesus. This week Peter is rebuked by Jesus when he seeks to deter Jesus from his mission, as he looks on the Lord from a human perspective, as opposed to the divine perspective of the redemption and deliverance through a suffering God, who lives and dies with us, and is raised to new and everlasting life. Consider Susan Butterworth's "A Paradox of Faith."

This week's epistle from Paul to the Romans is one of my favorites. It teaches us about vengeance. Consider The Rev. Dr. Peter Marty's "Trusting God to Settle Scores.

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