Saturday, August 16, 2014

Crumbs from the Table: Mercy & Reconciliation

Who is welcome at God's Table? How are we to treat those who have wronged us, foreigners, strangers, and even enemies?

In the story of Joseph and his brothers who sold him into slavery, we see lessons learned of humility, patience, trust, forgiveness, mercy and reconciliation. The psalmist tells us how good and pleasant it  is when we can live together in unity. Paul tells us that God has not rejected his people. And we learn in the story of Jesus and the disciples encounter with the Syro-Phoenician woman who cries out for healing for her daughter, that even little dogs are given crumbs from the master's table. What do we learn about stewardship, scarcity and abundance, the "chosen", the privileged and outsiders in this story? What about persistence in seeking God's grace?

When we come to the Table of the Lord, what do we bring with us? What do we experience there? What gifts do we offer? What gifts do we receive?

Consider what Bruce Epperly has to say in "Reconciliation and Grace," and Sharron R, Blezard's "A Crumby Gospel."


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