Saturday, June 14, 2014

More than words...

 When studying Matthew's gospel, the 28th chapter, we usually focus on that portion known as The Great Commission - "Go ye therefore into all the earth, making disciples of all nations, and baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and Holy Ghost."  We are to spread the Word. Immediately before that, however, Jesus says "All authority under heaven and on earth has been given to me." What is his "authority? What is his power and dominion? Consider John van de Laar's "God in a Word."

This is also Trinity Sunday. In "A glowing oven full of love," The Rev. Dr. Joseph Pagano discusses the social nature of God, and "relationship," within the Godhead, with God and us, and the relationships we have with each other. Part of our scripture is one of two creation stories from Genesis which says that we are created in the image and likeness of God. And God saw what he had created, and it was good. This is cause for celebration in relationships. See Psalm 8.

In "Family Ties," Jenny Williams helps put a human face and sense of community to this week's lesson.
In our Genesis creation story, God spoke the universe into creation. In John 1, we are told that with God was the Word, and the Word was God... and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. In Christ, we are given so much more than words.

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