Tuesday, April 23, 2013

What Are We To Do With a "Judas?"

Scripture: Acts 11:1-18  •  Psalm 148  •  Revelation 21:1-6  •  John 13:31-35

In this Sunday's gospel lesson, Jesus gives us a new commandment, "that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another."

From the tragedy in Boston, the stories of the dead and wounded, heroes and helpers, and of the alleged perpetrators continue to emerge. The preliminary scoop is that the surviving Chechen, accused of causing death and mayhem by using a weapon of mass destruction faces the possibility of a death sentence, if convicted. He is also an American citizen, and allegedly influenced by the radical Islamic beliefs and practices of his brother, killed in a shoot-out. Possibly a "Judas" in our midst.

What are we do with "Judases" in our midst? See "Evildoers," by Nancy Rockwell for one perspective. From the standpoint of Jesus' new commandment to us, what about the death penalty? (If there is a discussion, please keep it faith based, and not politically, or "legally" - how's that coming from a lawyer?

Do we have a God, or make God, too small? See "A God Too Small” by The Rev. Steve Goodier.

What does Jesus mean with his new commandment - to love one another just as he has loved us. Consider what Peter Woods says in "Boldly Going Where No Love Has Gone Before."

How should we interact with other religions? Dr. Jan Love offers one consideration in "Encountering Other Religions."

It should be an interesting discussion this week! Join us as we meet in the classroom across from the lounge in the undercroft of St. Mark's Episcopal Church, 405 B Street, St. Albans, parking behind the church.


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