Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Picking Up the Broken Pieces

Scripture: Acts 9:1-6, (7-20)  • Psalm 30  •  Revelation 5:11-14  •  John 21:1-19

We continue with the Easter experience this week. In John 21, we are treated to an Easter breakfast by Jesus. Jesus gives us another "Resurrection" lesson in his dialogue with Peter, who denied Jesus three times before the crucifixion. Jesus gives Peter a new hope, even in Peter's apparent distress, when Jesus tells Peter to "feed my sheep," after asking Peter if Peter loved him. Easter gives us the opportunity to pick up the broken pieces. What does that mean to you? See "Picking Up the Broken Pieces" by Dan Clendenin.

What does Jesus mean when he says "feed my sheep?" See "Love Me? Feed My Sheep"by The Rev. Bob Stuhlmann, and "The Work of Easter" by The Rev. Kay Sylvester.

Finally, we can learn a lot about ourselves, and what it means to be Easter people by reflecting on the life and person of Peter. See Frederick Buechner's "Peter."

We also read about the conversion of Saul (Paul) at Damascus. Talk about a turn around!



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