Thursday, January 3, 2013

Searching for the Christ Child. The Long Reach of Grace.

Scripture: Isaiah 60:1-6; Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14; Ephesians 3:1-12; Matthew 2:1-12

This is the Sunday of the Epiphany, with the gospel account of the wise men following the light of the star, consulting with an evil King, searching for the righteous King. What did they find? Compare or contrast King Herod with the King of Kings. Even David, in Psalm 72, envisioned Matthew's account of the wise men and the righteous King of Glory.

The Rev. Ken Kesselus, in "'Us,' and 'Them'," considers the gospel and today's passage from Paul's letter to the Ephesians and tells us that the story of wise men paying homage to the Christ child marks the beginning of a new understanding. It is the story of a God of all people, a God of unity, a God who moves his people beyond the trap of “us”  against “them.” This is especially relevant in the pervasive divisiveness in our country, and the world today.

The Rev. Kate Huey, in "Where is the Child?" tells us "There are many ways that we 'find our way' to God, to the little baby born King of Kings: nature does indeed point to the glory of God, the care of God, the presence of God, but we need the Bible, too, and the community that helps us understand all those gifts. She asks "When were times that you felt you were seeking God in your life? Was it only at times of need or suffering, or was it an intellectual search, or did it come from a deep, personal hunger for meaning? How faithful were you, and diligent, in the search? How do you think people seek God today? What are the paths and things and methods that help people "find" their way to God? How might the star in the Matthew reading represent nature as it "points" to God, personal experience, and the community that helps us understand all those gifts?"

* Remember, Sunday School meets at 8:30 during the season of Epiphany, for the next six weeks.


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