Thursday, January 17, 2013

Miracle at Cana - God's Extravagant Vintage

Scripture: Isaiah 62:1-5  • Psalm 36:5-10  •  1 Corinthians 12:1-11  •  John 2:1-11

On this second Sunday of Epiphany, why do you suppose that we study Jesus performing his first miracle at Cana? Read what Peter Woods has to say in "Vintage extravagance," and David Lose in "Learning to Tell Time." Compare this with "Isaiah 62: 1-5 The Politics of Marrying God," by Timothy F. Simpson.

The image on this page is a picture of a lamp from the first century A.D. (C.E.) which Alex unearthed on an archaeological dig at Khirbet qana (the original sight of Cana) in Israel.

Remember, Sunday School is at 8:30, followed by worship in the little church at 9:30.

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