Sunday, August 11, 2024

The Heart of the Father

  Scripture:  2 Samuel 18:5-9, 15, 31-33 and Psalm 130  •1 Kings 19:4-8 and Psalm 34:1-8  • Ephesians 4:25-5:2  • John 6:35, 41-51

In "Enough to Raise the Dead," The Rev. Charles Hoffacker reveals to us the heart of the Father from the Scriptures today. From the heart of David who does not revel in the victory which saves his kingdom, but mourns the loss of his son Absalom, to God the Father who weeps with us at the death of his Son on a cruel Roman cross, to the celebration of the return of the prodigal son, to the broken heart of any suffering parent who has lost a child, or whose child is hurt, wounded, sick, or born with problems.

Read his discussion of Strict Father and Heavenly Father. What do you think of the heart of God the Father? How does that translate into how you live your life, and the values you espouse? What do you think of his statement "But God sees us not simply as ourselves, but in his child Jesus."  How does this relate to Jesus' claim that he is the bread of life, and his and our relationship with God? How do you perceive of God the Father?

Continuing with Jesus' "I am" sayings in John's gospel, and that he is the bread of life, in today's reading he says he is the manna come down from heaven. What does this mean for us? In the passage from 1 Kings, we see the feeding of Elijah who is famished and exhausted, fleeing from Jezebel.  Read Debie Thomas' "Bread to Carry." God provides for his beloved people. 

And then there is the meal of eternal life, life everlasting. The Eucharist. Read one of the best homilies I have read about the Eucharist in 
Kirk Alan Kubicek's "Abide in My Love."

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