Sunday, December 3, 2023

What is Advent? What does it mean?

  Scripture: Isaiah 64:1-9  • Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19  • 1 Corinthians 1:3-9  • Mark 13:24-37

This Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent, and the first Sunday of Lectionary Year B. We light candles in this season of  waiting, hope, peace and love, as we await the coming of the Christ child, and Christ's coming again. We prepare in the darkness of our own time. In the midst of pandemic, separation and hyper partisanship. It seems almost apocalyptic. Why does Kathleen Morris call her article "Apocalpse Now?"

In "Advent Alchemy," John Stendahl urges us not to choose indifference or resignation in the seasons of our lives as we take care to note the shape of the darkness in which our candles burn. Instead prepare for the Lord's coming by anticipating the good which will come, and shining when and where the light is most needed. 

To be ready to receive the most precious gift of the Christ child, we must first confront truth, give up denial, selfishness, and all things destructive of shalom. And be patient and responsible as we wait - wait, in hope, for healing, reconciliation, and the awesome gift of God's peace. Read "Because You Hid Yourself," by Debie Thomas. 

Finally, consider a short reading about Advent Candles. See Melissa Banes Sevier's "One Candle."

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