Sunday, November 5, 2023

The Beatitudes

For today's Collect and Scripture. clink here.

 Especially after the pandemic and politics of 2020 and its aftermath, and the situation in Israel and Palestine, how many have asked, prayed, wished or hoped for a return to "normal?"

We, who have been so richly blessed, and have taken for granted these blessings, want those blessings again.

 What is "normal?" What is it to be blessed? Jesus gives us the answer in the Beatitudes. Debie Thomas, in The Great Reversal, gives us - who are wanting God's blessings- food for thought. Especially in these times, let us pray for God's blessings, that God's kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven, as Jesus has proclaimed it. May we have the mindset to realize those blessings, and be a blessing to others.

More than ever today we need the blessing of peacemakers. Read Joseph Pagano's "The Beatitudes and Barriers."

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