Sunday, July 23, 2023

Jacob's ladder and gardening among wheat and weeds

 Scripture:Genesis 28:10-19a and Psalm 139:1-12, 23-24  • Wisdom of Solomon 12:13, 16-19 or Isaiah 44:6-8 and Psalm 86:11-17  • Romans 8:12-25  • Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43

This week our Scripture takes us from Jacob's ladder, to a stone, to gatdening the wheat among tared. This week we study Jesus' second parable of sowing seeds. Again the sower broadcasts the good seed, and this time the wheat and weeds grow up together. Should we weed the field so the good plants can grow? They become entangled. Is this about judging others? What can we learn about judging others? Is this about the good and bad in all of us? 

For the significance of the biblical account of Jacob's ladder and a stone or rock read Susan Butterworth's: "Stone, Wheat, and Weeds,"and Whitney Rice's "A Rock, A Ladder, A Promise ."

Life is not all black and white, as we all know. There is something greater than ourselves and it takes time, patience, and faith to look for the light in times of darkness, and the sun in times of rain. As Jesus said, it rains on both tge good and the bad together. So it is with wheat and tares. Read Debie Thomas' "Let Them Grow Together." All creation experiences growing pains. Read "Inheritance," by The Rev. Kellan Day. May we discern and grow through the lens of Christ. 

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