Friday, March 17, 2023

When it doesn’t make sense, or isn't fair

 Scripture: 1 Samuel 16:1-13  • Psalm 23  • Ephesians 5:8-14  • John 9:1-41

This Sunday's gospel is the account of Jesus healing the man born blind at birth. The religious tradition of the day stated the cause of his blindness was sin, this man's sin, or that of his parents. in "Who Sinned?" Jesus rejects that explanation, and says that he was born blind so that God's works might be revealed in him. Maybe we're looking for answers as if we, ourselves, are blind. The Rev. James Liggett talks about tragedy and unfairness in "Who Sinned?" and says Jesus tells us two things to help us deal with life's tragedy's, inexplicable pain, disease, circumstances and the unfairness we see. What did Jesus tell us? 

In "Confusion," Jazzy Bostock asks what enables one to see Jesus, to really see for that matter, and what makes one unable to see.

In "Now I See," Debi Thomas examines this Sunday's gospel in light of the  COVID virus, noting that no one, not even the man's parents, rejoices that the man is healed, and tells us what it takes "to see" in life's challenges. What does it take to see when things don't make sense, or aren't fair? Click the links to read the Scripture and these three articles.

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