Sunday, March 5, 2023

Gifts, born of the Spirit


This second Sunday of Lent, we encounter Nicodemus' meeting with Jesus and iconic staples of the Christian faith - John 3:16 and verse 3, being "born from above, or again, anew - γεννηθῇ ἄνωθεν ," according to the texts. Nicodemus is a respected member of the Sanhedrin who recognizes there is something more to Jesus than being a good teacher. In John 3:16, we are told of a loving God, so loving that he is willing to give and  sacrifice his Son so that all who "believe" in him shall be saved. Jesus' very name means He who saves. Read Michael Toy's wonderful homily, "Gifts." 

What does Jesus mean when he says "believes," and earlier by the words "born  from above,again, or anew?" Too often we either simplify this to a mere statement of individual faith, or over-complicate it. Debie Thomas, in "Where the Wind Blows," examines and explores the depths of Jesus' teaching and love, and the demands of "believing." What does "believing" mean?

Believing and being born from above is not as easy as saying Jesus is Lord, and Jesus gives no easy answers to Nicodemus' questions according to The Rev. Marshall A. Jolly's "Nicodemus,"For it was a long journey begun in the dark of night - much like Lent. But there was a life giving, fulfilling change from doubts and questions to the man who claimed the body of Christ when the disciples all fled.

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