Saturday, February 25, 2023


 Scripture:  Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7  • Psalm 32  •  Romans 5:12-19  •  Matthew 4:1-11

This Sunday our Scripture is the tales of two Adams. The first Adam in the garden of Eden, and Jesus, the second Adam, in the wilderness. Both are tempted.

As we begin Lent, we study the significance of the temptation of Christ, and our own temptations. Both Jesus, and we, as he tells us, are God's beloved. Why are God's beloved tempted? Why does the Spirit lead Jesus into the desert, and why do we find ourselves in wilderness situations? Debie Thomas' "Tempted" is the best consideration of today's gospel I have read. And then there is The Rev. James Liggett's beautiful and wise sermon, "Surrender" especially if you're down and out, lonely, or just plain tired. What can we take away from this week's lesson?

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