Saturday, January 28, 2023

Justice and Mercy with Humility

  • Scripture: Micah 6:1-8  • 
  • Psalm 15  • 1 Corinthians 1:18-31  • Matthew 5:1-12

     Today, as in the time of the prophet Micah, justice continues to be elusive.  Katrina Whitley tells us “Justice is bought by the rich in courts that preserve those who have money and punish those who are poor and unprotected. The few who truly do justice are called fools and radicals and are even forbidden in many cases from feeding the hungry and from giving shelter to refugees. Loving-kindness and mercy are laughed at. They are for the weak, for those who, in derision, are called bleeding hearts. Millions are being spent on weapons that kill people and destroy cities because mercy is no longer a virtue but an enemy of power. And humility has become alien in a world where people are strutting about armed to the hilt, threatening with violence and death those who do practice humility.” 

    What are we charged to do? Read “He Has Told You, O Mortal, What Is Good .” Jesus gives us his answer in his Sermon on the Mount, this Sunday's gospel. Read more about the prophet Micah in Dan Clendenin's "Who Is A God Like You?"

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