Sunday, December 18, 2022

Joseph ... What Good Men Do

 Scripture: Isaiah 7:10-16  • Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19  •Romans 1:1-7  •  Matthew 1:18-25

As we await the birth of the Christ Child this Advent, we read Matthews account of Joseph's dream. Think of what Joseph must have been thinking and going through when learning that his betrothed was carrying a child not his own - especially at that time and place.

What did Joseph do? Look at what it takes to be able to do what he did. It is hard to put ourselves in another time, another culture, and we know "the rest of the story." What do you think you would have done? Consider The Rev. Dr. Janet H. Hunt's "Just What a Dad Does," and The Very Rev. Samuel G. Candler's "Believe in the Dreams of the Person You Love," and The Rt. Rev. Frank Logue's "Participating in God's Plan. "

May God protect you and yours, and give us what we need to have faith, trust and to believe as we celebrate the coming of the Lord.

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