Saturday, November 26, 2022

Christ the King - A King Like No Other

 Scripture: Jeremiah 23:1-6 and Luke 1:68-79  •  Psalm 46  •  Colossians 1:11-20  •  Luke 23:33-43

This Sunday we celebrate Christ the King Sunday as we close Lectionary Year C and enter the Advent season in Lectionary A. What images come to mind when you think of "King of Kings?" Luke's gospel depicts Christ the King like no other. A king who is mocked, forgives those who are crucifying him, and receives a thief on another cross into paradise. Unlike any concept of royalty ever formulated.

What kind of King is Jesus? What does this mean for us? Read Debie Thomas' "A King Like No Other." Think about this as we enter the season of Advent.

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