Sunday, May 8, 2022

Trust? Who, what, when and where.

 Scripture: Acts 9:36-43  • Psalm 23  • Revelation 7:9-17  • John 10:22-30

This Sunday is Good Shepherd Sunday. In Year C of the lectionary cycle our gospel account is set in winter during the feast of Dedication/Renewal (Hanukkah), and is the last encounter Jesus has with religious authorities at feats. They were in suspense and implored Jesus to tell them directly if he was the long awaited Messiah. 

This week, Debie Thomas brings it home in our times in her "Tell Us Plainly" In our busy lives, flooded with endless media, 24 hour news, political attack ads, we need truth, not "fake news," something, someone, we can always trust and depend on. 

Thomas gives us fresh insight into whom, what, and how, we can trust and believe in that which gives our lives meaning and fulfilment. Jesus tells us what has to happen in order to believe, using the Shepherd - Sheep analogy. What, in whom, and how can we believe? Belong, Believe, Become.

Ever play Marco Polo? The Rev Danae Ashley's "Pointing to God," gives us perspective on trust from reading the 23rd Psalm, and the Good Shepherd.

What can we trust considering the atrocities being committed, not only in Ukraine, but every day, every where? Read Dan Clendenin's "The Coldest Monster," and his take on the Book of Revelation and apocalyptic literature.

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