Sunday, April 10, 2022

Save us, we pray

  • Isaiah 50:4-9a  • 
  • Psalm 31:9-16  • 
  • Philippians 2:5-11  • 
  • Luke 22:14-23:56 or Luke 23:1-49

  • "In many ways, Holy Week holds within it our entire human story — all of the hope, tragedy, love, and joy that shapes our days.  It reveals to us the horrors of injustice, but it also shows us the deepest love the world has ever seen.  As we move from the intimacy of the Last Supper, to the agony of Gethsemane, to the desolation of Golgotha, we can find traces of our own stories — stories of friendship and betrayal, fervor and futility, hope and humiliation... think about Jesus willingly taking up one of those crosses and saying, “I will not stop for you.  I will not choose safety at the expense of injustice and evil.  I will not save my own skin while you keep killing the people I  love." 

    What will we do?

    Read this and more in Debie Thomas' "Cruciform."

    You are holy 
    Infinite and holy
    A billion suns rise for you
    Clouds paint the skies for you
    Mountains stand tall for you
    Valleys bow down to you
    Everything rising to 
    Sing all our songs for you 

    - The Liturgists, "Vapor"

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