Sunday, January 2, 2022

The power of vulnerability


  • Scripture: Isaiah 60:1-6  • 
  • Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14  • Ephesians 3:1-12  • Matthew 2:1-12

      On January 6 we celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord with readings and hymns featuring the wise men (Magi, in Greek) following the wondrous star. We also are given insight as to how God deals with the power of tyrants, beginning with the power of a vulnerable infant. Vulnerability is a key take-away from this lesson. God comes to us in the form of a vulnerable baby, left in the care of a poor young couple in a backwater Galilean town, gone to Bethlehem to register for Caesar's census. And the power of that vulnerability, one that conquers even death, would manifest itself later on the cross, and WITH us, in all our vulnerability. You see, it is a journey, a mission, and we are not alone. Read Fr. Tony Clavier's "Embracing the Mission."

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