Saturday, October 9, 2021

Love that provokes

 Scripture: Job 23:1-9, 16-17 and Psalm 22:1-15  • Amos 5:6-7, 10-15 and Psalm 90:12-17  • Hebrews 4:12-16  • Mark 10:17-31

This week we have the parable of the rich young ruler, who asks Jesus what he must do to "inherit" eternal life.  Here is a rich young man who seemingly has it all, but has a sense he lacks that which would fulfill him. Is there something we lack that would fulfill us? What if our situation is that we are alone, or afraid, sick, or financially at risk, in danger, or without a home?

In this life we and our loved ones, will experience many things. Citing a prayer of Thomas Merton,  Debie Thomas, in "What Must I do?" walks us through this account in Mark's gospel. The young man has kept the Commandments. He has done good, and like Merton, recognizes his need. And Jesus loved him. Jesus didn't pat him on the back, so to speak, but in his love, provokes him to give up his possessions and follow him. Then what happens? The love of Jesus recognizes the freedom to walk away. What we lack is our inability to give up that which possesses us, or our possessions. The love of an all powerful God does not need to possess or control us. That love is so deep it would allow us to walk away. What will we do? What must we do to have eternal life, life in true abundance? Life that fulfills and makes us whole.

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