Sunday, September 19, 2021

The Disconnect - What is Said, and What is Heard

 Scripture: Proverbs 31:10-31 and Psalm 1  • Wisdom of Solomon 1:16-2:1, 12-22 or Jeremiah 11:18-20 and Psalm 54  • James 3:13 - 4:3, 7-8a  • Mark 9:30-37

One of the most confounding, bewildering, and frustrating problems today is the disconnect between what is said and what we hear. 

With the flood of information, our technology has unleashed and the prominence of social media, it seems what we hear is that which tends to validate  our preconceptions and biases.

In an age where even verifiable truth is under assault, how do we get past this malaise?

In today's gospel the disciples are confused and afraid, and unwilling to accept what Jesus is telling them when he speaks of his betrayal and death by killing. What does Jesus do to teach them, and us? What is the significance of bringing a child into their midst? Read The Rev. Carlos de la Torre's "Divine Things."

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