Sunday, February 14, 2021

Crossing Thresholds, When Everything Changes

Scripture: 2 Kings 2:1-12  • Psalm 50:1-6  • 2 Corinthians 4:3-6  • Mark 9:2-9

This is the last Sunday of Epiphany before the season of Lent, and before Ash Wednesday.

Our Scripture gives us accounts of the passing of the mantle from the prophet Elijah to Elisha as Elijah is caught up in the whirlwind in a chariot of fire, and three disciples experience the transfiguration of Jesus on a mountain before they accompany him on his journey off the mountain to the cross.  Both awesome and terrifying.

But the real significance of these events is not in the whirlwind, or fire, or the heavenly glow.  It is the thresholds Elisha,  the disciples, and you and I are called to cross  when everything changes. From comfort, security and certainty, to vulnerability, questions and uncertainty, in the hills and valleys, and sometimes wildernesses, of our lives. How will we respond? Read Debie Thomas' "When Everything Changes.

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