Thursday, January 9, 2020

Stepping into "Belovedness" through Baptism

Scripture: Isaiah 42:1-9  •  Psalm 29  •  Acts 10:34-43  •  Matthew 3:13-17 

Every Epiphany we re-visit the story of Jesus' baptism. This Lectionary Year C, we consider Matthew's account. Like John the Baptist, we ask "Why,  if Jesus is God's son, the Messiah, the Christ, does he need to be baptized?" John even exclaims, "It is you who should baptize me!" Why should he who is without sin, be baptized for the forgiveness of sin? Why are we baptized? What is the significance of baptism? Read Debie Thomas' "Stepping in."

In a fascinating sermon, "Zombie Ants, Baptism, and the Beloved, " Michael Toy discusses "life and death" chemicals ants produce, and through his "zombie ants," he underscores his point that through God's Beloved Son, who took on on our humanity, we are worthy and beloved, too.

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