Saturday, November 30, 2019

Advent Begins - Are We Alert, Ready? For What?

Scripture: Isaiah 2:1-5  •  Psalm 122  •  Romans 13:11-14  •  Matthew 24:36-44

We begin the new Lectionary Year A with the first Sunday of Advent, a time of waiting and preparation, a time of expectancy for the light which breaks through the darkness, a time of hope for the kind of peace which turns spears into plowshares, and swords into pruning hooks. 
In  "Why Advent Is The Hardest Time For Faithful Christians" The Rev. Canon Catherine A. Caimano discusses what we must take off to put on the armor of light mentioned in Paul's letter to the church in Rome.

In " Like a Thief," Debie Thomas explores what Jesus means when he says we must be alert and awake for the life giving birth and coming of the Son of Man.  What is coming for us? What is life giving? What is not? 

Tired of all the talking heads giving us their  opinions and predictions, telling us what to think? What should we be doing now and for our future? Read Amy Frykholm's "Our Hidden Future - The First Sunday In Advent."

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