Sunday, October 6, 2019

What is faith?

Scripture link.

What did Jesus just say? He's at it again. In Luke's gospel we have considered some hard stories to hear. Squandering, philandering sons, dishonest managers and beggars getting rewards! And this week, hard working slaves are told to come to the table only after they have finished their work, and rather than to expect to be commended for their work, they are to say "We have only done what we ought to have done!"

As Christopher Burkett says, it is no wonder the disciples said to Jesus, "Increase our faith!" What is the point of these parables? Consider The Rev. Rick Morley's "keeping it simple -  a reflection on Luke 17:5-10"; and Christopher Burkett's "Love bade me welcome." 

What is it to have faith? What does Jesus mean in his response to the disciples plea to oncrease their faith? Read  Debie Thomas' "If You Have Faith."

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